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Growth at Ncontracts

At Ncontracts, we believe in fostering the continuous growth and development of our team members. We are committed to providing you with the resources, guidance, and opportunities to advance in your career and achieve your professional goals.

Career Path Progression

Career Level

Our organization offers various career levels, each with its own set of expectations and responsibilities.

The levels are L1 to L5 and Principal Engineer.

Advancement Criteria

We recognize that software development is rarely just coding itself. Make no mistake, coding and technical skills are a big part of any software engineer. We at Ncontracts also value and recognize other attributes that make a well-rounded software engineer.

We have Developer Matrix to help you understand where you are on your career path at Ncontracts. Your manager will provide guidance on what is expected at each level, and your performance reviews will align with these criteria.

Skill Development

Continuous Learning

We encourage all team members to engage in continuous learning and skill development. This includes staying up-to-date with industry trends and expanding your technical toolkit.

We have a budget for continuous learning and skill development. Talk to your manager for more info.

Mentorship & Coaching

A regular one-on-one meeting with your manager will provide opportunities for coaching, feedback, and career guidance. Moreover, we encourage you to seek out feedback from your peers.

Performance Review & Feedback

As alluded to in the career advancement section, your manager should be providing feedback on your performance on a regular basis using the growth matrix as the guideline. Our performance review process is designed to recognize your achievements, set goals for improvement, and ensure that you are on track for career growth. Regular feedback and open communication with your manager are essential for your professional development.